Dirty Rotten Nebraskans

The pool of Deplorables from which one could pluck the "most awful Nebraskan" is vast, but certainly festering near the top is the despicable Susan Strong. She is a district judge in Nebraska forced onto the judicial scene by appointment of nepo-baby Pete Ricketts, as it's doubtful she could have been elevated to that role through legitimate democratic means. She is a rubber-stamp for the Nebraska citizen- and visitor-to-prison pipelines. No untruth is too obvious that she will not accept it from the prosecutor-police and venomously spit back up as a given in her rumpus room of injustice. 

Academicians debate among the various conceptions of what justice means: fairness, peace-preservation, equal-process, et. al. But the Dishonorable Susan Strong subscribes wholeheartedly to the idea of justice as "whatever fills the prison beds" so as to keep the State of Nebraska with a steady supply of slaves for their own industry, slaves to outsource to commercial operators (Millard Lumber, Sillosocks, et. al), and hostages from which to collect astonishing profits and kickbacks funneled through parasitic, prison-adjacent companies, like Keefe, GTL, et. al.. Of course, that is dwarfed by the real payoff: milking the taxpayers to build endless prisons and pay for the army of lawyers, judges, police, corrections officers, and ancillary staff - many of whom are virtually unemployable in any industry that doesn't have the protections and immunities of state-sponsorship.

If you're Black, liberal, Native American, or any kind of immigrant (illegal, first-generation, etc.) or really any class of people whose humanity can easily be shrugged away by the center of the population (e.g. homeless, mentally ill, history of drug use), you can expect a prison term, regardless of how egregiously false the charge. If you expect wisdom, justice, or truth in Susan's prison springboard, you will be left wanting. If you expect corruption and lies, satisfaction is yours. 

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Have any stories you'd like to see shared here? Any suggestions for other dirty, rotten Nebraskans that should be profiled. Send a message with your stories and ideas.